Sunday, 1 February 2009

Shape, Pizza and Gingerbread Man Dancing!

We have had a big focus on shape in Y2 this week with lots of work on 2D and 3D shapes and symmetry. We made lots of symmetrical shape patterns then turned them into symmetrical minibeasts to put on our wall - do come in and have a look!
In English we have been writing instructions. We spent lots of time thinking about how to make a pizza. We wrote them up into a clear set of instructions, some groups linked their ideas with connectives which really showed that they understood the order the instructions came in. It was really important that we got it right because in the last week of term Y2 will be making pizza with Miss Sainsbury and Miss Marsh and everyone needs to know exactly what they are doing!!!
On Friday we celebrated Storytelling Week by looking at the Storybee website (you can find links to it on the Luckwell website) at having a crazy dance to a musical interpretation of The Gingerbread Man. Unfortunately I can't put any photos up at the moment as I have left the camera's lead at school. I will, however, do this when I am in again on Tuesday.
As they say - watch this space!