There is a double dose of blog this week following last week's snow which kept us off school - most unexpectedly - on Friday! Talking of snow take a look at these pictures. We had been cooped up in the classrooms during so many playtimes that we decided to take everyone out to build snowmen and actually enjoy some of the weather that the children had not seen in this country to such an extent before!
As promised, on Wednesday the children made the pizzas that they had been writing instructions for. Many many thanks to Miss Sainsbury and Miss Marsh for spending the morning helping Y2 do this in the caretaker's house. We were very impressed by the amount of children who agreed to try mushrooms instead of having cheese overload, and when it came to eating time almost every child in the class ate every last morsel!
Today was our dance trip to Ashton Park. Many thanks to Brooke's mum and to Ciara-Leigh's mum who helped Ms Gower and Mrs Hillberg. Thanks also for all the parents who came to watch. A thoroughly enjoyable time was had by all and Ms Gower and Mrs Hillberg were so impressed by the children's performance and teamwork that EVERYONE went on the happy board today!
Have a lovely half term - there are lots of letters etc in the children's book bags including maths badge homework and time homework. We have been doing lots of work on time in school - please support them with this as this is an area of maths, as I have said before, that parents can really put lots of input into!
Have a lovely break - see you on Tuesday 24th.