Friday, 23 January 2009
School Past and Present
We started our history focus this week by looking at all the wonderful information children had brought in about people who used to attend Luckwell in the distant and not so distant past. We had lots of fun, especially, looking at Grace's mum's photographs of Luckwell in the seventies - do come into the classroom and take a look! We would love some more to put up - thank you Ashley for bringing pictures of her dad in who was at Luckwell in the nineties (and was taught by Mrs Christmas!) We found out a lot of interesting information about how Luckwell has changed (and in some cases stayed the same) and laughed over stories like Jess M-R's neighbour being made to eat spam fritters for school lunch! Yuk!
Today we brought things right into the present by interviewing Miss Fricker from the Y1 classroom. Miss Fricker is training to be a teacher and Y2 generated lots of very sensible questions for her about what her training is like. Take a look at the picture that shows her being interrogated by the Y2 detectives!