Friday, 8 May 2009
Weeding, Painting and P.E.
No blog last week as Mrs Shore forgot to take the camera home – so here’s two weeks’ worth! We have had lots of exciting things happen. First of all our nearly qualified student teacher – Mr Ellershaw – started his block teaching practice this week. He will be doing lots of things in the classroom and the first thing is that from next week he will be taking over our blog! Parents – do pop in and say hello.
As you can see from the photographs we have had some fun activities over the last fortnight. This term is Y2’s turn to do ‘Citizenship’. Over the last two Wednesday s we have been busy weeding the playgrounds under the guidance of Heather, our caretaker.
Last Friday an art teacher came in to work with the children on painting numbers up to ten in Chinese they had lots of fun and showed tremendous talent. Don’t forget by the way that it’s the Southville Arts’ trail this weekend and some of Y2’s work will be shown –Mrs Christmas has sent letters to the relevant children.
Continuing our international theme in Y2 the children did some P.E. alongside Amandine, our French assistant, who called out words in French for them to respond to – take a look at the pictures!