Monday, 25 May 2009

Painting, Weeding, Toys and Goodbyes.

.Y2 had a busy end to the term. On Monday afternoon Y2 completed their work on Matisse’s ‘The Snail.’ The children painted their own interpretations of the painting from the drawings they had done last week. We had some lovely, colourful and imaginative work.

The theme in numeracy this week was estimating and measuring the size and weight of different objects. The children had fun doing this and some children even worked in the playground. We had some great estimates that were very close to the actually measurements.

On Wednesday afternoon Y2 continued ‘Citizenship’ and helped weed the playgrounds. The children really worked hard and enjoyed being outside on a beautiful, sunny afternoon.

On Thursday the school said “goodbye” to our French assistant, Amandine. During assembly, Amandine read a story to the school in French and Y2 helped by acting out the animals she was describing. The children really got in to their performance and we had some brilliant representations of eagles, elephants and crocodiles. The stars of Coronation Street better watch out!

On Thursday afternoon Y2 celebrated their hard work and good behaviour with ‘Toy Day.’ Lots of games were played and the children enjoyed a large feast. Y2 would like to give a big thank you to the parents who supplied all the ‘goodies!’

All that is left to write is have a happy holiday and we will see you all next term.