Monday, 24 November 2008

Making and Painting!

Firstly - apologies for the upside down picture last week - I am getting to grips with our new camera! Talking of pictures, this week's photos are on the camera in school and I am on my PPA day at home right now! I'll put the pics on tomorrow.

We have had lots of fun this week painting and making. We finished our unit of literacy all about instructions by making a mask on Friday. The children are evaluating their work today with Ms Gower as the concluding piece of this Big Write.
We also had lots of fun on Thursday afternoon mixing up primary colours to make colour wheels. We also started thinking about our Christmas production, Babushka. Parents - if your child has a speaking part PLEASE spend time with them helping them to learn lines, this would help us tremendously. I hope the costume requirements are clear. If not please catch me any day except today and Wednesday this week.