Y2 have been very busy this week doing lots of 'doing'!
In P.E. the whole of the school took part in a Virtual Festival. KS1 played Domes and Dishes in their classrooms, divided into 4 teams - strawberries, blueberries, bananas and apples - we had two whole P.E. lessons of turning over and back again! We play our next part of the festival after Christmas - watch this space for the winners!
In Literacy we have been reading writing and following instructions. This week we have focussed on making books - each day we have read instructions about a different sort of book and on Friday everyone made their own book - take a look here at our hard workers!
We also had a postcard this week from Wellington's friend, Charley who lives in Germany - Charley had been on holiday to Holland and send Wellington and Y2 some information about windmills.
Oh - and we mustn't forget that Wellington has a very special visitor from France over here, too, Antoine. Y2 have been helping Antoine and Wellington to write some French words. Tres bien!