Sorry for the lack of pictures this week. It has flown by!
Year 2 took part in the 'Luckwell' election this week. We all listened to the candidates manifestoes,made our decision and then filled in a ballot paper. After the votes were counted it was revealed that Patrick Rogers had won! Patrick will now have one of his 'wishes' made true.
We all wrote a story this week based on The Owl who was afraid of the dark. This was a 'sustained' story and was longer than any of the stories we have written before. It was a real challenge but the stories are great!
In numeracy our unit was 'Data Handling'. We sorted, grouped and then created a tally chart of the different coloured smarties in a tube. We have also been interepreting data fom graphs and tables.
Our topic work is going week we will be tasting some brazilian foods and also creating some Brazilian pictures on 'Paint'.