Friday, 18 September 2009

Who was Blackbeard?

We have been working really hard in year 2 this week! After discovering that the mystery letter and items belonged to Blackbeard we have been working hard at home and school to find out as much as we can about him. We discovered that he was not actually a very nice person and is definitely the villain in our topic! The children have bought in all sorts of books and information they have collected from the internet. Well done year 2!
During the week we sorted fictional characters into heroes and villains. We enjoyed this because there were characters such as Batman and Underdog amongst the pictures.
In Numeracy we have been working on place value. Here are spheres group partitioning 3 digit numbers - tricky stuff!
We also found out about Mary Seacole this week. She was a kind and heroic nurse who looked after soldiers in the Crimean war. Magic Grandad took us on an adventure to a battlefield to see her at work. We were impressed and admired her bravery.