Sunday, 5 July 2009
Dancing, policemen and a trip to the countryside!
Y2 had something of a whirlwind this week. We started off with our May (in June!) Dancing on Monday. Although it was really hot everyone did well and thanks to all the lovely parents who came to support us! There was some great dancing there mums!
On Tuesday Dan, our community police officer spent some time in Y2. He helped us to practice for our assembly - you can see the picture of us singing 'Dem Bones' to the rest of the school. We had a dramatic moment when Dan was called away to deal with someone stealing from a shop in Bedminster but when he came back we had a long chat about it and spent time talking about right and wrong and taking responsibility for ourselves. In the picture Dan is asking the police radio controller to say hello to Y2 at Luckwell across all the police radio network in Avon and Somerset!
Wednesday was the highlight of our week - our trip to Avon Valley Country Park. It was scorching hot but fun was had by all as you can see from the photographs! Thanks to mums Lorraine and Rachel who emailed me pictures from their mobiles to add to the blog.
Finally, on Friday Y2 spent an hour in Y3 with Mrs Christmas choosing the topics they are interested in next year. I'm told that they have chosen Egypt and India - I will look forward to seeing what they do!