Sunday, 14 December 2008

Christmas is coming....!

Our big event this year was our Christmas performance, Babushka. The children were fantastic and I was proud of every single one of them - WELL DONE Y2! There are lots of photographs of the performance on the noticeboard outside Y6 but just to put you in the mood I've included one here of our 3 camels (those fantastic suits were worth the hard work it took to actually get the children into them!!!!) Again, thank you parents for all your support with costumes and the learning of lines, it was very appreciated!
The children had a much earned toy afternoon on Friday - there are some pictures here of them enjoying their games. We also had another treat on Friday. Mrs Farr - Jack in Y5's mum - had kindly sent in some beautiful bears from her collection for YR to look at as part of their 'Teddies' topic. We were lucky enough to have 'first look' though! Pictured are some Y2 children with the bears.
Don't forget - next week we have Christmas dinner on Tuesday and KS1 Christmas party on Thursday, Ms Gower and I are very much looking forward to joining in with some party games! On Friday children can, again, bring in a toy of their choice.