Saturday, 26 July 2008
Minibeasts and Goodbyes!
What a hectic last week in Y2. Our trip to Charterhouse in the Mendips was much enjoyed by the children. Here are a selection of photographs showing them pond dipping, minibeast hunting and generally getting in touch with the nature in our relatively local area. A big thank you too, to the parent helpers who were marvellous sports trudging through the long, bumpy grass (and yes, at one point, a small stream....) facing bugs, beasties and (sorry Deb Taylor!) a shiny, wriggly snake like slow-worm.
I would like to say a massive thank you to you all for the generous presents and touching cards and messages I felt inundated with yesterday. I have greatly enjoyed teaching Y2; their funny stories and tremendous hard work have consistently inspired and motivated me this year - and their relentless interest in my dog has amused me greatly!!!!!! If the weather is kind enough for us to go camping I'll post a picture of Teddy in her camping gear on the blog later in the holiday.
Have a wonderful summer and enjoy the time you spend with your lovely children.
Again, thank you.