Another busy week in Y2 passes.
After all their hard work writing and recording radio plays Y2 presented their work to the whole school this week. Mrs Thwaites led our celebration assembly where the children shared their ideas and some of their recordings with the rest of the children - everyone was very impressed!
Following all the fantastic homework the children did over half term the children have been 'brainstorming' what they have found about the past. We were very impressed by their knowledge! The picture shows one of the 'brainstorm' pages. Many thanks for all your support in helping the children with this, parents, and all your precious photos and artefacts will be returned intact very soon!
Sports Day was a great success. We had a fantastic afternoon on Wednesday and Y2 showed what excellent 'sports' they are! Well done everyone, whatever position they were in the races, and well done to Yellow House for their first overall win in 13 years!
Finally next Thursday - as I wrote on my note that the children took home we are have won all our marbles and the children have voted for a 'Spy Day' where they will, well, 'be spies'!!!!! For the children who are not inspired by spying it will be a general dressing up in own clothes and bringing in a game/toy day. We don't require any party food on this occasion. This is also Mrs Thwaites' last day and an opportunity for her to relax with the children. I'm sure you will all join me in wishing her well in her teaching career and thanking her for all her hard work in Y2 over the last 8 weeks.