Thursday, 8 May 2008

Y2 Go Bowling

Well we've been so busy looking forward to our trip this week that time has whizzed by!
We've done lots of work on multiplication and division using grouping in maths and continued our postcard theme in English - there is some fantastic 'quality language' being used in Y2! We were able to start our focus on tennis skills outside in this wonderful sunshine - let's hope it stays this way!

Talking of sunshine we were fortunate enough to be able to walk to the Bowling Centre today in beautiful weather. We got there in record time (and Mrs Shore would like to apologise again to the wonderful parent volunteers for the rapid pace maintained....!) which meant we were able to have extra bowling time. The class loved it and listened very carefully to the instructions given by the organisers. Everyone behaved excellently and walked very sensibly.
Well done Y2 - Luckwell is very proud of you!

Next week we hope to start using our fountain - watch this space for photographs.
Have a lovely weekend, everyone!