Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Smoothie sensation

Last week in year 2 we learned all about staying healthy.
We found out why and how to look after our teeth.

We talked about healthy eating and wrote some amazing recipes for fruit smoothies.

 On Thursday afternoon we made our smoothies using the blender.  They were delicious!
We used the experience to feed into a recount in literacy.

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Lots of photos to share with you this week! On Tuesday, for our topic 'Hook' Mrs Fricker took us to Mark's bread. We learned how to make bread.

We enjoyed rolling out the dough and kneading it.
We found out lots about the health benefits of bread and enjoyed tasting the finished product.
On Thursday we had a lesson on the 'life bus'. It was great fun and we found out about how to keep our minds and bodies healthy and happy!
Enjoy the Easter holidays everyone!