Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Dancing our socks off!

Well done to Year 2 and Mrs Fricker for a fantastic performance at the Ashton Park Olympics Dance festival last week.

Our performance stood out as colourful, exciting and professional!

Well done to our friends in years 3,4 and 5 who performed with their dance groups. They were fabulous too!

We are looking forward to sharing our performance with parents this week.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Adios amigos!

We have so enjoyed our Mexico topic. Here are some pictures of our 'hook'.
We dressed up in traditional Mexican dress and shared a sumptuous feast of Mexican delights, many of which we had made ourselves with the help of our Parent helpers - Thank you!
Some of the costumes were pretty scary!
We also had lots of fun learning some Spanish last week.
In Numeracy this week we have been investigating fractions - whole, halves and quarters.