Friday, 21 October 2011

Happy half term!

What an explosive week in Year 2! We enjoyed Mr Thwaites teaching us on Wednesday. We made erupting volcanoes using bicarbonate of soda. Rudy got soaked! It was really exciting.
In PE we learned the 'Hakka' war dance which the All Blacks perform at the start of a rugby match. We were very fierce!!!
In ICT we have been creating PowerPoint slides about new Zealand using the captions we wrote in Literacy.
Mrs Thwaites and Mrs Fricker are very proud of their clever and creative class for working so hard this term. Happy half term everyone!

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Kia ora

Kia Ora! That's hello in the Maori language. the Maori are New Zealand's native people and we have been learning all about them this week. Some Maoris have tribal tattoos on their faces!

Here we are making ANSAC biscuits. ANSAC stands for Australian New Zealand Army Corp and these troops ate these yummy biscuits to keep their spirits and energy up during the first world war.

We used our measuring skills to weigh out the ingredients. We were very pleased with the end result!

On Thursday we had a visit from 'Explore Learning' who did a fun maths workshop with us.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Last Wednesday we performed fabulously in our class assembly, telling the rest of the school all about Bedminster.

In the afternoon we invited our Mums and Dads to come into school and see what we have been doing in Year 2. They enjoyed watching us manouvre the beebots around our model of North Street and the surrounding area.

In numeracy we have been learning how to add up amounts of money and give change.
In literacy we have begun to learn about information texts and have written a glossary of 'Bristol' words. We are ready to start the New Zealand part of our topic and comparing Hororata in New Zealand to Bedminster in the UK. Liam brought some brilliant pictures in of his Dad's trip to New Zealand.