Friday, 17 June 2011

Growing beans & worms in mud!!

This week, Year 2 have been very busy and have done lots of exciting science activities about growing.

On Thursday, we planted some of our own bean seeds with Miss Wallace.We have put them in a sunny place in our classroom. We will be making sure we water them and will be watching very carefully over the next couple of weeks to see whose plant grows the tallest!

We have been learning about the lifecycle of a frog. Miss Wallace took us in small groups to the school pond on Tuesday. We spotted some tadpoles and some of us even held some baby frogs.Some of the baby frogs still had their tadpole tails, we thought the frogpoles looked very funny!

We have been cooking again with Bev and Liz this week. We had great fun making ' worms in mud.'

On Wednesday, Year 2 made the most of the sunshine and had our PE lesson outside. Miss Wallace was very impressed with our kicking skills!

We have also been busy rehearsing our maydance this week. We are very excited about performing it to an audience next week!

Have a lovely weekend :)

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Disco dancing and road safety!

Year 2 have been learning all about how to stay safe when crossing the road. They used role play equipment to act out particular scenarios.

On Thursday some of year 2 attended the PTFA summer disco. It was great fun! Well done to Joshkun for winning the 'best dancer' competition.