Friday, 28 January 2011

Massive map making

This week year 2 have been using their geographical, as well as their art, skills to make large scale 3D maps. They are not quite finished yet as we need to add the 3D bits! The children collaborated in small groups - they have worked really well together.

Friday, 21 January 2011

Movement and measures

Here are some pictures of Year 2 'warming up' before gymnastics last week. We were playing the game 'beans'.

This week in numeracy we have been doing lots of measuring. We used metre sticks to measure things in the classroom and applied our rounding skills to measure to the nearest 10cm.
We also measured weight using kilograms and grams. We completed an investigation which relied on our accurate estimating skills.

Year 2 got ready for bed in school on Monday when we had our pyjama party. We enjoyed drinking hot chocolate and eating cookies whilst listening to stories.

Friday, 14 January 2011

Chinese workshop

This week Year 2 had a special visitor Mrs Lee. She is from China and came to teach us some things as part of our topic. We were taught how to say lots of things in Chinese such as, 'hello', 'thank you' and also how to count to 10.

She also showed us how to Chinese calligraphy and we all had a go. You had to keep your hand very steady and not press down on the soft brush.

We also used chopsticks to pick up pasta from a traditional chinese bowl. It was very tricky!!

Finally we shown some dragon puppets. We really liked the lion!

Friday, 7 January 2011

Happy new year!

Firstly I would like to wish you all a 'Happy New Year'! Thank you all so much for the gifts and cards at the end of term. I am very, very grateful.

We have only been back for 3 days and so this blog will be quite short! However, the children are already showing a huge amount of enthusiasm for our new topic 'China'. They love knowing which chinese zodiac sign they are and also how to write their names in Chinese! Some children have brought in artefacts from China and also their homework projects which are fantastic! I am looking forward to seeing everyone else's next week!