Friday, 9 December 2011

Bella Bella Cinderella

This week we performed our wonderful Christmas show 'Cinderella'.

The dancers, singers and actors were all outstanding and Mrs Thwaites and Mrs Fricker were very proud of us!
The Ugly sisters were particularly gruesome and frightening!

Mr Jones thought we were all natural performers.

We are all looking forward to watching the KS2 play next week.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Christmas is coming!

It may be only November but in Year 2 we are already getting ready for Christmas, rehearsing our Christmas play.

In Maths this week we have been learning how to tell the time to the nearest hour and half hour. We have started to learn how to use a digital clock and to break down the hour into 5 minute blocks.

In Literacy we have been writing explanations of how sound travels.

This is a picture of Year 2 with spot the Gorilla on Children in Need day last week.

Thursday, 17 November 2011


This week in Year 2 we have been doing lots of investigations into capacity.

Here we are playing capacity games on the laptops.

We made our own cocktails by measuring out different amounts of fruit squash.

We used the whiteboard to investigate shadows.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Week 2

We have had a busy week in Year 2. In Literacy we continued our work on Martin Waddell, using drama to ignite our imaginations. At the end of the week we wrote our own 'Big bear, Little, Bear' stories.
In Maths we sorted objects and numbers into venn diagrams.

Our class assembly was excellent and the whole school enjoyed listening to the story and watching our Haka.

Friday, 4 November 2011

Light and Sound WOW!!!

On Friday we had our 'Wow' event for our new topic, Light and Sound. We made beautiful Diva Lamps and Year 4 carved some fantastic pumpkins.
The teachers set up a dark room in the dungeon and we went down in groups, recording our thoughts on digital microphones.

It was really exciting and spooky! The Star Wars music added to the atmosphere!

Friday, 21 October 2011

Happy half term!

What an explosive week in Year 2! We enjoyed Mr Thwaites teaching us on Wednesday. We made erupting volcanoes using bicarbonate of soda. Rudy got soaked! It was really exciting.
In PE we learned the 'Hakka' war dance which the All Blacks perform at the start of a rugby match. We were very fierce!!!
In ICT we have been creating PowerPoint slides about new Zealand using the captions we wrote in Literacy.
Mrs Thwaites and Mrs Fricker are very proud of their clever and creative class for working so hard this term. Happy half term everyone!

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Kia ora

Kia Ora! That's hello in the Maori language. the Maori are New Zealand's native people and we have been learning all about them this week. Some Maoris have tribal tattoos on their faces!

Here we are making ANSAC biscuits. ANSAC stands for Australian New Zealand Army Corp and these troops ate these yummy biscuits to keep their spirits and energy up during the first world war.

We used our measuring skills to weigh out the ingredients. We were very pleased with the end result!

On Thursday we had a visit from 'Explore Learning' who did a fun maths workshop with us.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Last Wednesday we performed fabulously in our class assembly, telling the rest of the school all about Bedminster.

In the afternoon we invited our Mums and Dads to come into school and see what we have been doing in Year 2. They enjoyed watching us manouvre the beebots around our model of North Street and the surrounding area.

In numeracy we have been learning how to add up amounts of money and give change.
In literacy we have begun to learn about information texts and have written a glossary of 'Bristol' words. We are ready to start the New Zealand part of our topic and comparing Hororata in New Zealand to Bedminster in the UK. Liam brought some brilliant pictures in of his Dad's trip to New Zealand.

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Beebots and a trip to Playspace

Another busy week in Year 2. In ICT we have been creating graphs based on our survey of North Street Shops. We have also started to program the beebots to navigate our model Bedminster.

In Literacy we wrote our own stories based on 'The Tiger who Came to Tea'. Our titles included 'The Dinosaur who came to Dinner' and 'The Lima that came to Lunch'! In PE we have been improving our ball skills.
On Friday we went on a trip to Playspace and all enjoyed using the pedometres to measure our steps as we had fun on the play equipment!

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Beautiful Bedminster

A fun start to the term in Year 2!

We have been getting stuck into our new topic, 'Precious Planet'. Mrs Fricker and Mrs Thwaites were so pleased with the amazing model buildings we made over the summer.

Well done everyone!

This week we went on two walks to investigate our local area. We enjoyed looking at the shops on North St and exploring Greville Smyth Park.

In numeracy we have been learning about place value and rounding numbers to the nearest 10.

In Literacy we are continuing to learn about stories, reading 'The Tiger who Came to Tea', using connectives and speech marks and developing our own characters.

Congratulations to Miss Morgan and her partner on the birth of their baby son Otto!!!

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Last blog!

Year 2 had their picnic at Greville Smyth park on Tuesday as a reward for earning all of their marbles. It was great fun...until it started raining! I'm sure this will be a day in year 2 that we will all remember!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the children and parents of year 2 for their genorosity. I was presented with a beautiful cake (decorated by the children), a voucher for NEXT and a beautiful carved stone.
In addition I would like to say how much I have valued the support of the year 2 parents this year. You are a great bunch and have made this year so enjoyable.
To the children of Year 2, what can I say?! You are a WONDERFUL class and Mr. Mackie is very lucky to be teaching you next year. I have had the most brilliant time with you all and will miss you all very much.
I promise I will bring 'Mini Morgan' in to visit you all when she/he arrives!

Miss Morgan

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Lively living things!

Year 2 had a fantastic time during healthy schools week. We thoroughly enjoyed Miss Welton and Miss Peruguini's morning workout sessions! We had a great fitness session with Debbie Scroggs from Ashton Park.

Year 2 ALL took part and tried their best in the races on sports day. Well done year2!

Along with the rest of the class we took part in an A-life workshop where we learnt about healthy eating and taking care of our teeth.

Friday, 17 June 2011

Growing beans & worms in mud!!

This week, Year 2 have been very busy and have done lots of exciting science activities about growing.

On Thursday, we planted some of our own bean seeds with Miss Wallace.We have put them in a sunny place in our classroom. We will be making sure we water them and will be watching very carefully over the next couple of weeks to see whose plant grows the tallest!

We have been learning about the lifecycle of a frog. Miss Wallace took us in small groups to the school pond on Tuesday. We spotted some tadpoles and some of us even held some baby frogs.Some of the baby frogs still had their tadpole tails, we thought the frogpoles looked very funny!

We have been cooking again with Bev and Liz this week. We had great fun making ' worms in mud.'

On Wednesday, Year 2 made the most of the sunshine and had our PE lesson outside. Miss Wallace was very impressed with our kicking skills!

We have also been busy rehearsing our maydance this week. We are very excited about performing it to an audience next week!

Have a lovely weekend :)