Thursday, 14 October 2010

Fitness and fire engines!

Year 2 have had a busy and exciting week with some fun visitors. On Tuesday we had a 'Fun fitness workout' which was purchased using the sainsburys school vouchers. So, thanks to everyone who collected those for the school. The workout was very energetic and we all felt very fit and healthy after it!>

On Thursday we had a visit from the Bedminster fire service. It was so exciting to see a fire engine in the playground! The firemen and woman showed us all of their equipment and we all had a go at using the hose which was very powerful! We impressed the firemen with how much we knew about the Great Fire of London.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Pour on water, Pour on water!

Year 2 travelled back in time to help the firefighters during the Great Fire of London. They had run out of buckets and needed to find a really good material to make some more. We tested plastic, foil, paper, kitchen roll, cotton, plasticine and card.

We discovered that the best material would be either plastic or foil as neither of these leaked.

Friday, 1 October 2010

Year 2 had a fantastic time at Playspace on Wednesday. Their behaviour was SO good that they were ALL stars of the week! Here are their favourite bits from the trip.

"When we played football". Joshkun

"When me, Tom and Oscar played with a big cannon thing". Ollie

"I enjoyed playing on the blue slide". Gracie

"My favourite bit was the ball that slid (zip slide)". Ava

" I liked climbing the rope". Luke

"I liked the really colourful slide". Jacob

"I liked the blue slide best because it was really slippy and I went down really fast". (Cody)

"My favourite part was when I found out I had got a medal!" Oscar

"My favourite bit was when I got my prize". Olivia