Saturday, 30 June 2012

Olympic Fever

On Wednesday Year 2 took part in a mini-Olympics at Ashton Park.

We enjoyed trying out new and exciting sports and activities.

We are all doing really well at working towards the Olympic Values.

As part of our Olympics topic we have been reading and writing Greek myths.

Here is a picture of the whole school Olympic torch pageant!

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Dean Heritage Centre Trip

What an exciting last week of term in Year 2 !After a long term and lots of hard work it was time for a treat.  
 For our 'hook' we went on a trip to the Dean Heritage Centre in the Forest of Dean.
 We learned all about different trees and how to survive in the forest.
 We built a chimney for cooking charcoal.

Look at the tree spirits we created from mud and natural ingredients.


 We had a very active day but saved some energy for the disco!

On Friday we enjoyed May dancing and Jubilee Celebrations.

Happy holidays everyone!

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Landscapes and soundscapes

Year 2 have been getting ready for the Arts Trail.

 We have created some amazing collage paintings of the fire from start to finish.  We also painted sillouette pictures of London in flames.
 We used watercolours to create hot and fiery backgrounds for our work.

In music we composed soundscapes to represent the progress of the fire.  Here is a video of one of these.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Smoothie sensation

Last week in year 2 we learned all about staying healthy.
We found out why and how to look after our teeth.

We talked about healthy eating and wrote some amazing recipes for fruit smoothies.

 On Thursday afternoon we made our smoothies using the blender.  They were delicious!
We used the experience to feed into a recount in literacy.

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Lots of photos to share with you this week! On Tuesday, for our topic 'Hook' Mrs Fricker took us to Mark's bread. We learned how to make bread.

We enjoyed rolling out the dough and kneading it.
We found out lots about the health benefits of bread and enjoyed tasting the finished product.
On Thursday we had a lesson on the 'life bus'. It was great fun and we found out about how to keep our minds and bodies healthy and happy!
Enjoy the Easter holidays everyone!

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Materials walk and science week

We are all budding scientists in Year 2.

As part of our topic we went on a 'materials walk' and discovered why certain materials suit their purpose.
We have been exploring man made and natural materials.

Last week was science week and we enjoyed doing lots of exciting experiments.

Here we are learning about 'lift' using a hairdryer and a ball. Amazing!

Sunday, 4 March 2012

RE week

Another busy week in Year 2. On Tuesday we went on a materials walk around the local area and used our detective skills to find out what different objects are made of and why.

On Wednesday we performed our Olympics dance to our parents who were delighted.

In RE this week we have been learning about places of worship. We researched the features of a mosque and visited St Aldhelm's church. Michael the Vicar let us explore and told us lots about his church and Christian worship.

We have been doing lots of drama in Literacy and learning about money and measures in numeracy.